g. , In “Logan Braes,” John Mayne writes: “Revered by pals, and far frae faes, / We’d live in bliss on Logan Braes” 363 There are not any precise guidelines in MLA to cite a poem. / . Eliot’s speaker frets, “I actually have measured out my life in espresso spoons,” after asking, “Do I dare / Disturb the universe?” traces 50, 45 46. For this intention use reduce / between traces When Quoting Four or More Lines of Poetry: • Include the author’s name, the titles of the poems, and the line numbers in the text for higher resource inte gration or inside a parenthetical citation. If a play is not divided into chapters or books i. Edward James, 2010. The Advantages Of The Internet. Available: http://helium. com/goods/1860355 the benefits of the information superhighway 9. Kaiz Kairen, 2009. The control tackle the work for which they’re stronger proper, where in the past most of the people of the obligation and pretty much all the workload were thrown upon the workmen Taylor, 1911. At the time the system of ‘medical management’ was adopted by a large number of businesses within the United States, and it labored very well. Daily wages rose from 33% – 100 % better than surrounding companies who were nonetheless working below usual control, and average output per man per machine doubled Taylor, 1911. As time improved however, flaws to the gadget surfaced, and what seemed to be more applicable management methods were built. One aspect of ‘scientific management’ was that work activities were standardized and formalized to optimize execution of finely subdivided repetitive tasks Fulop and Linstead, 1999, for example Henry Ford’s assembly line that was developed after 1914 is an extension of this precept Drucker, 1999. In their book, Liz Fulop and Stephen Linstead element out how this setting apart and repetitive nature of work initiatives was seen by the workmen and the trade unions as ‘the top-quality dehumanizing and alienation method to work’ Fulop and Linstead, 1999.